International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science

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Paper details

Number 2 - June 1995
Volume 5 - 1995

Redundancy resolution of manipulator by global optimization

Mirosław Galicki

Global optimization in the redundancy resolution, involving direct dynamic equations of a manipulator, is presented. It is carried out by using the necessary and sufficient conditions for a minimum of integral-type criteria with a free upper limit of integration. Boundary conditions resulting from the manipulator task to be performed are taken into consideration. General transversality conditions corresponding to the boundary ones are derived. As a result, a closed system of boundary dependencies, fully specifying differential equations which result from the necessary conditions for a minimum, to find an extremal joint trajectory, is obtained. In order to verify the above extremal trajectory for optimality, (local) sufficient conditions are employed. A computer example involving a planar manipulator of three revolute kinematic pairs is presented.
